Organized Retail Crime – ORC

Organized Retail Crime (ORC) has become a gigantic problem for American businesses. ORC groups are sophisticated criminal organizations that are costing American companies and our economy millions of dollars every year. The people involved in ORC are not just some shop lifter trying to feed the family. They are part of an organized criminal organization that is destroying American businesses. ORC groups are no different than counterfeiters or drug traffickers and, in fact, they are exactly the same individuals. We are seeing hardened criminals that you would normally see involved in robberies or the drug trade now involved in ORC.

The IC Team has the experience in dealing with the criminal organizations involved in ORC. We understand how the underground economy works and know what it takes to successfully investigate and infiltrate these groups. Any Investigator can conduct surveillance and watch these groups operate from afar; however, IC has successfully infiltrated numerous criminal organizations and identified their entire organizational structure.

Investigative Consultants has the infrastructure in place to conduct short-term or very in-depth long-term investigations. IC has a fully trained undercover and surveillance team that has years of experience in dealing with these types of criminal organizations. Our team has the knowledge, experience, and expertise in working cases in preparation for a criminal prosecution. We have worked with law enforcement agencies ranging from the United States Attorney’s Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration Customs Enforcement, the Internal Revenue Service, the US Secret Service, and over 80 local law enforcement agencies. We know and understand the importance of providing credible investigative evidence to law enforcement agencies in order to effectively attack these criminal organizations.