Report Counterfeiting

Please provide us with any information you may have on businesses and/ or individuals involved in counterfeiting or piracy.

The information provided to us will be held in strict confidence and will not be released to anyone outside Investigative Consultants and the effected brand owner. Your contact information will not be released to anyone outside Investigative Consultants without your consent.

Thank you for providing valuable information.  The following form has many areas you can fill in that will help us. Fill in as many as possible and leave blank the things you do not know.

Thank you for doing your part to protect the rights of creative individuals.

  • Subject Information

  • Vehicle Information

  • Business Information

  • Type of Activity:

    Describe types of counterfeiting or piracy activity taking place.
  • Your Contact Information

    Thank you for taking the time to provide this information. Please click submit below.
  • We need your email address for verification.