Law Enforcement officials are often tasked with investigating counterfeiting and piracy cases. Intellectual property crimes, such as counterfeiting and piracy, are fairly new experiences for several law enforcement agencies. Intellectual property crimes are growing on a daily basis and in recent years, we have seen a huge increase of organized crime and gang involvement.
Organized criminal organizations have seen the opportunity that these types of crimes present to them. “Low risk, High Reward.” These criminals know and understand that the profits from counterfeiting and piracy are actually higher than the profits that can be made from dealing drugs. The criminals also know that there are very few law enforcement agencies in the United States that have units solely focused on counterfeiting and piracy investigations. This has created a great opportunity for these criminals to engage in the sale and distribution and counterfeit merchandise to fund their other criminal activities.
There have been numerous cases throughout the United States and abroad where law enforcement has been able to prove the involvement of organized crime, gangs, and terrorist organizations in the manufacture, sales and distribution of counterfeit merchandise. These organizations are profiting millions of dollars each year through their sales of counterfeit and pirated goods. Law Enforcement is the key to protecting our economy and not allowing criminals to profit from these crimes. The Economic Undermining of America is happening daily and we must all do what we can to stop it.
The Investigative Consultants team and our clients know and understand how valuable law enforcement is in the fight to protect IP rights. Our team understands the importance of assisting law enforcement in their efforts to conduct counterfeiting and piracy investigations. We realize how important it is to provide law enforcement with expert witnesses that are qualified and willing to testify in court. Our team of investigators are court recognized experts in counterfeiting and piracy and will be willing and available to testify on any investigation that we assist law enforcement with.
The Investigative Consultants Team has assisted both state and federal law enforcement agencies throughout the United States with thousands of investigations for the past several years. Our team is called upon on a regular basis to assist agencies with their efforts. We know and understand the role of private industry in working with Law Enforcement on counterfeiting and piracy cases.
The Investigative Consultants Team maintains records on the cases that we have investigated or been involved with. The information we maintain may prove to be helpful to law enforcement in their investigations. We will gladly provide law enforcement with any information that we are allowed to share. Subjects involved in these crimes commonly travel from state-to-state and conduct their activities, so it may be helpful to any law enforcement investigation to determine whatever information may be available.
We can provide law enforcement with samples of arrest reports, search warrants and other documents that are commonly utilized by law enforcement in their efforts to pursue these cases. If you would like to request samples of reports or other documentation, please contact us today.
During our years of enforcement efforts, we have developed contacts in various agencies in numerous jurisdictions across the country that may be of assistance to their fellow law enforcement officers and who may have cases that cross jurisdictional lines.
Our team is available to conduct training for law enforcement. We can provide training on the methods of conducting Intellectual Property cases and also the methods of identifying products as counterfeit or authentic. Several of our training courses have been P.O.S.T certified. If you would like assistance with a counterfeiting or piracy case, please contact IC today.
Click here to view State Statutes covering Counterfeiting & Piracy →